Frequency Divider 74HCT4040
U1 7555 is a CMOS version of 555. The 555 here is in Astable Oscillator mode, C1 and C4 are decoupling capacitors 0.1uF value, ceramic disc. Mixed and Interface Circuits The output is around...
Electronic Timers, Delays, Object Counters, Tachometers, Event Counters.
U1 7555 is a CMOS version of 555. The 555 here is in Astable Oscillator mode, C1 and C4 are decoupling capacitors 0.1uF value, ceramic disc. Mixed and Interface Circuits The output is around...
The 555 Astable generates a clock for this circuit, an oscillator giving a square wave output at pin 3 which is counted by 4017 to give a running lights effect. Digital Timers Counters and...
This shows how to OR gate two 555, when one 555 cycles at a low frequency a valve turns on an off, the second 555 stretches the ON duration of the pulse with a...
(A question answer thread of, nearly a decade old) Presettable Up-Down counter-timer I am looking for a schematic for a pre settable Up/Down counter that I can build for my church. It needs...
When i had put the near Obsolete digital circuits online in the late nineties. One person who works in a public institution in the usa, wanted a modification of one of my existing circuits....
I’m working on a small electronics project but don’t know too much about designing circuits so I figure I would ask someone who knows and this seems like the place. Ok, What I’m looking...
Thank you for your assistance. My answers are by your questions. Hope this helps. This unit is more for troubleshooting a air flow problem. If the counter shows many 130 Degrees detected or alarm...
I’m looking at an idea for a circuit design; The idea is to sense a temp of 130 degrees and then light an LED and start a timer delay. The delay would be 3...