How to Connect RTD to transmitter

Can you explain me were i have to conect the three cables of the PT100 in the Circuit RTD-Pt-100-Transmitter Circuit?
RTD PT100 Transmitter and Multiplexer
Comment from CV of Spain
You have a three wire RTD, there is also a 4 wire RTD type, This circuit can be used for both.
In the 3W RTD you have two wires coming from the same point (zero ohms between them) the third wire will be 100 ohms from these two. From the two wires that are at same point take one wire and give 1mA from Q3 + OUT. The other wire of the pair connect to input +….. input – can be connected to the 100E end.
So imagine that I have three wires one white and two blacks.
One black to +OUT 1ma
Other black to input-
And waht about the withe one that is the one that give me arround 100ohms??
Reply from CV
Black 1 – +Out 1mA
Black 2 – +Input
White goes to -Input