Halogen bulb lamp dimmer circuit

Can someone provide me a (simple) schematic for a dimmer that would control 12 VAC about 80 watts. This would be used to control a lamp with halogen bulbs.
A comment in Hobby Hound
Here is a listing study them and choose, try out, learn and then build the one right for you.
1200 Watt Lamp Dimmer Circuitย The following circuit is a lamp dimmer circuit that is capable of controlling up to 1200 Watts. The circuit uses the Q4015LT combination Diac and Triac that is available from Digikey Electronics.
PWM Motor Speed Controller / DC Light Dimmerย –ย Here is a listing study them and choose, try out, learn and then build the one right for you.
DC Controlled Dimmer Velleman kit – K8064
Simple brightness adjustment by means of a DC voltage, optically isolated adjustment input. Pre-set adjustment for full brightness, suitable for incandescent lamps, mains voltage halogen lighting and low voltage halogen lighting in combination with a conventional transformer. “Soft start” feature to ensure lamp longevity, transformer protection in case of defective light sources
Electronic Transformer for 12V Halogen Lamp – STMicro
The topology of the circuit is the classic half-bridge. The control circuit could be realised using an IC (so fixing the operating frequency), but there is a more economical solution which consists of a selfoscillating circuit where the two transistors are driven in opposing phase by feedback from the output circuit.