Spice Simulation for CD4060

I found your web site today. I am looking for the CD4060 spice model for Orcad Capture. My Orcad version is the 9.2 (complete but without CD4060 !!)
I saw on your web pages a design using this component. How can I have the CD4060 model (to use it in simulation) ?
Mail from EG France
Try using 74HCT4060 or maybe 74HC4060
Have a look at these links.
SPICE Simulation Fundamentals – Basic SPICE Simulation Model Parameters, SPICE Simulation Control Statements. SPICE Simulation Source Type and Parameters.
PSPICE Resources – Where can I get my own copy of PSPICE using Schematics? (the student version 9.1 is free)
SPICE Resources – SPICE is available in many different “flavors.” Several versions are presented below for your downloading pleasure.
SPICE – A Brief Overview – The description is far from complete, as SPICE is a powerful circuit simulator with many capabilitie
The SPICE circuit simulator and models – SPICE is an acronym for Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis and was inspired by the need to accurately model devices used in integrated circuit design. It has now become the standard computer program for electrical and electronic simulation.
“The Orcad demonstration package includes several libraries for circuit layout, but only the EVAL.LIB has SPICE models as well. This library includes a range ….”
Please study all links above and tell me if it solves your problem, Look and study each link above. If you have a problem still, then i will search again or find a solution