UPS and Inverter Schematics

Do you perhaps have an inverter schematic for a sinewave inverter or stepped squarewave using the SG3525 chip.
I’m also interested in connecting the inverter to the grid via a solar panel. I hope to reduce my electricty bill by pumping power into my 220v system. Do you perhaps have circuits to synchronise the inverter to the 50hz main.
Nice to get your email. .. Have you seen the circuits in my page….
Switch fast from mains to inverter. The inverter is always on with the battery charged by the mains.
The mains load is of two types
lighting low current 5A ??ย andย heating high current 20A??
You should isolate both of them, the UPS is only for lighting. For heating you need a very big UPS, solar will not help, oil might.
I want to build a home UPS System. Uninterrupted power supply for computers and with Solar Cell Integration. I need some Schematics..
You have to design and develop these equipment, just a circuit or instructions will help you learn but you cannot make a robust product. Anyway have a look at these applications to learn ..
DC to AC Pure Sine Wave Inverter
Learn about UPS hereย UPS Power Inverter and DC to AC