Single Chip dual power supply


message: Hello, I want to know the single IC which can provide Both + V and -V from a single +Vin supply.. I need this for my dual supply opamp.Reply me as soon as possible. –  Thank u.

Mail from KM

There were chips, but now obsolete as most use a smps circuits. you can try this RS232C Level Converter it has -10 and +10 that can power low-power cmos opamps and chips. Use LM7912 and LM7812l you will need two chips, there was a LM326 but not now. See Linear Regulated Dual Polarity Power Supply


When a Inverting Opamp Configuration is at a steady state, we say the Inverting Input is at a Virtual Ground. That means it is at 0V w.r.t to the dual power supply ground, but it cannot drive or draw any current. It is at a high impedance, but still at 0V. When you buffer this 0 V, you get a low signal ground for a opamp supply. Opamp generates Virtual Ground. See this a Isolated dual power supply from 5V


I am very happy to see ur reply.I am appreciating ur job. Ok.. Ur information is most useful for me.. We ill meet with another problem.. Thank u..

Mail from KM



Product Design - Industrial Automation and Instrumentation.

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