Resistance measurement with Current Source – DMM

U3 LF 356 is used as a constant current source (sink as the current is negative). R4, R5, R7 and R9 set the four resistance ranges by changing the constant current in decade steps. R2 is for calibration of resistance range. The A-B digital control of 4052 selects the range.

Resistance measurement – DMM Project

Let voltage current and resistance sockets be separate and of different color or use a high voltage electrical rotary switch or relays if you want the same sockets switched. D1, D2 and R8 are to ensure that the FET can be turned off, as the opamp swings from +/- 3.5V only, with some FET it needs to be tweaked.

Resistance measurement - DMM Project

When you keep the current constant, the voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the Resistor Value. This can be scaled to gat a usable reading on a Digital Voltmeter.



Product Design - Industrial Automation and Instrumentation.

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