Dual Polarity Power Supply

This supply gives both positive and negative outputs. Appropriate Fuses should be used to protect from fire hazard and overload of transformer.
Voltage Regulators LM7812 and LM317
You could use LM7824 or LM7815 or LM7812 for 24V, 15V and 12V respectively. You could use LM7924 or LM7915 or LM7912 for -24V, -15V and -12V respectively.
The Filter capacitor C1 4700uF has an impedance of Xc = 1 / (2 * 3.14 * f * C) which comes to 0.6 ohms at 50 Hz.
The impedance of the load at 2A for 24V is R = V / I that is 12 Ohms which is more than 20 times the impedance of the capacitor at 50 Hz. That means less than 1 / 20 of ripple current will flow thru the load. The Regulator also reduces the ripple a little.